Annual Services & Events

We have a wide range of special annual events within the parish, to celebrate significant dates in the Christian calendar and to connect with our wider community.

Annual services

A nativity themed Christmas tree decoration hanging on a Christmas tree


Lessons and Carols Service | St Peter's at 10am
A special service with Bible readings and a mixture of traditional and contemporary Advent and Christmas carols

Christingle Service | St Peter's at 3 pm
An afternoon service during the week for the young at heart. The Christmas story is read and a variety of activities are offered for all to participate in. Children will have a mixture of Christmas symbols to take home.

Remembrance Service | St Peter's at 7pm
An opportunity to remember those who can no longer be with us at Christmas. A service of prayer, reflection and thanks. Those present may add their loved one's names to a Christmas Remembrance Tree.

Christmas Eve | St Peter's, 24 Dec at 10pm
Carols and Communion Service

Christmas Day | St Peter’s, 25 Dec at 10 am

Inter-Church Christmas Service | Various local churches
This uplifting service each December is organised by the Christian women of Temuka to enable those who come to take time out from all the busyness of their Christmas preparations to reflect and worship. The time varies from year to year, usually on a week day around 4 pm; details can be found on the News Page closer to the event. A collection of food items and/or money is taken and donated to the Temuka Foodbank.

Easter Altar with a decorative model of Jesus' tomb and rolled back stone

Holy Week & Easter

Palm Sunday | St Peter's - 10am
A Communion Service which reflects Christ's journey into Jerusalem. There is usually a procession with palms and the congregation are invited to take a Palm Cross home with them.

Maundy Thursday | St Peter's - 7pm
A traditional evening service with Communion and foot washing for those who wish to participate.

Good Friday | Varied locations
The responsibility and location for this service is shared among the local churches. This means that each year congregations of all denominations gather together to remember the sacrifice Christ made for all people. The location and time for this service will be published on the News page shortly before Easter.

Easter Day | St Peter's - 10am
A celebratory service as we rejoice in the good news of Christ's resurrection. A Communion service with children's activities.

Communion table with cup and bread


Ash Wednesday | St Peter's - 7pm
This is an evening service with Holy Communion.

Harvest Festival service decorations with wheat, maize and produce in St Peter's Church

Harvest Festival

Early March
St Peter's - 10am

Held in early Autumn this service gives thanks for God's gifts to us through creation. Parishioners bring items of produce and harvest that are displayed and donated to the local Food Bank and Wallingford Rest Home.

Spring Service decorations of daffodils in St Peter's Church

Spring Service

Early September
St Peter's - 10am

This celebratory service is held at one of our regular weekly services. The church is decorated with spring flowers and symbols. We give thanks for God's creation and look forward to the lengthening days, pray for a strong sowing of the seed and refreshment of body and spirit. The timing of this service in the year depends on factors such as weather, daylight saving and the blooming of the daffodils. See the News page for details closer to the event.

Annual Events

Photo of two women preparing a table for the Pink Breakfast Breast Cancer awareness event

Pink Breakfast

8am on a Saturday morning in May
St Peter’s

This is a breakfast to raise money for Breast Cancer awareness and education. It is a yummy, relaxed event with pink-themed give-aways and prizes. Registrations are required for this event and the cost in the past has been $10. This is not just an event for women, all are welcome to come show their support. See the News page for details closer to the event.