Baptism & Confirmation
Your child is precious to you and precious to God. You want the absolute best for them and so does God. Baptism (or Christening) is the beginning of our Christian journey, the point at which we become followers of Jesus and a member of the church.
Baptism's take place within our Sunday morning services. St Peter's is a friendly and inclusive church and we will do all we can to welcome your child.
If you are considering baptism for your child, you are invited to contact the Parish Office and arrange a time to meet with the Vicar.
Baptisms are for all ages
As a church we are aware that there are many adults who were not baptised as children. Often adults in this situation may feel they have missed the opportunity to be baptised. St Peter's would like to reassure you that it is commonplace to baptise adults and these are joyful and wonderful occasions.
Confirmation Is the way in which adults can renew their baptismal commitment to Jesus Christ and his Church.
In confirmation a person affirms and declares their faith, and receives the laying on of hands, with prayer offered by the Bishop for the Holy Spirit’s renewal and empowerment.
To explore more about Christian faith, Anglican beliefs and Confirmation, please either see the Spiritual FAQs & Resources page, or contact the Vicar.