The death of a loved one can be one of the most difficult times and we would like to be there to guide and support you at your time of loss.
We offers funeral services, burials, interment of ashes as well as memorial services following cremation. Funeral services can be held in St Peter's or at a cemetery graveside. They can also be held in a private setting like a home or another meaningful location. For some families the crematorium chapel may be more appropriate.
St Peter's is a beautiful service venue with a screen for a powerpoint presentations, a sound system for electronic music, or an organist can be arranged if you'd like hymns to be included in the service.
We also have a team who will be more than happy to serve any refreshments you have organised, in the Parish Centre following the funeral service.
Venue hire fee | Dependent on the space/s you’d like to hire
Please see below for your church options or view all hireable spaces and fees to see everything that’s available including our church, parish centre lounges, kitchen, and grounds for preparation and/or funeral reception spaces.
Minister’s fee | $250 incl GST
Travel reimbursement fee (for offsite funerals) | Charged at the current govt km rate
Pianist/organist hire fee | $100 incl GST
Venue options
St Peter's Church
St Peter's Church entrance
St Peter's Church
St Peter's Church Grounds
Temuka Cemetery
Offsite at your preferred location
Please use the Funeral enquiry form below to let us know of your service preferences and we will arrange to meet and plan with you.
Please feel free to call the Vicar if you'd like to discuss your options.
Funeral Directors
If you are seeking information about local funeral directors, please contact the Parish Office.
Bereavement Support
Oceans Loss and Grief programmes, developed by Anglican Care South Canterbury, are offered in the parish, including six week adult courses and nine week children’s programmes. Please get in touch for details.